Amy Magsam
Amy Magsam
Dance Instructor/Competition Teams
Amy Magsam is a dancer, teacher, movement director, and choreographerbased in Los Angeles, California. She recently graduated from ChapmanUniversity receiving a BFA in Dance Performance and a BA in Strategic andCorporate Communication. Amy has trained in all styles of dance for over fifteenyears and has performed on shows such as America’s Got Talent and JanetJackson’s Unbreakable Tour in Phoenix, AZ. She is currently signed with theMovement Talent Agency and has had the pleasure of working with renownedchoreographers such as Brian Friedman, Robert Green, Karen Chuang, KristinMcQuade, Will Johnston, Antione Troupe, and more. Alongside her dancetraining, Amy did competitive gymnastics for thirteen years and is now a USAGcertified coach.